Friday, October 3, 2014
This morning at, Erick Erickson includes RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’ eleven principles for American renewal—also explained at
. We’ve got a great impetus to follow these principles in our voting, decision-making, and (in the case of lawmakers) legislating. So, what do we make of these?
“1: Our constitution should be preserved, valued and honored.”
It goes without saying that everyone keep this in mind. aFter all, the current administration taking up space at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has forgotten to do so. From his apology tour to his dismissal of the State Department’s shenanigans about Benghazi to his making decisions where only Congress is permitted to act, Pres. Obama has proven his hope to change our American way of life and do away with the American dream.
“2: We need to start growing America’s economy instead of Washington’s economy so
that working Americans see better wages and more opportunity.”
And how long has the XL Pipeline been under discussion? How often have the numbers of people dropping out of the workforce grown while those applying for unemployment benefits and searching for jobs decreased? How many more consequences of the not-so-Affordable Care Act do we need to see in the private sector’s business taxes and regulations before we tell its instigator to leave town?
“3: We need to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, make government
more efficient, and leave the next generation with opportunity, not debt.”
How long have we conservatives been raising our voices in support of this? On his daily radio talkshow, Sean Hannity has promoted the penny plan for reducing our debt over the next few years—lest we become a vassal state to China. And, if one wants to check out our United States Constitution’s fifth amendment’s ways for adding new amendments, one sees more than one way to skin a cat. Mark Levin discusses the alternative in case Washington bureaucrats ignore the voice of the American people and continue to spend us into oblivion like Greece. THE LIBERTY AMENDMENTS shows you how three fourths of the States’ legislatures can vote for adding a new amendment and how those same three fourths can then require Washington to do what every responsible family does—balance the budget!
“4: We need to start over with real healthcare reform that puts patients and their
doctors in charge, not unelected bureaucrats in Washington.”
It doesn’t take a genius to know that we pay way more at the doctor’s office than we should or through the mail for surgeries. Yet, the answer is not ObamaCare. Rather than making healthcare more affordable, the not-so-Affordable Care Act promotes socialism, the redistribution of benefits to those whom the centralized powers that be determine eligible while everyone else pays out the nose for its maintenance.
Real healthcare allows for free interprise, doctors and patients to have as much time in the office together as necessary. Bust up the HMO’s so that the insurance companies can simply do their job of providing help through our various places of employment. Low-cost insurance options will, inevitably, result from the competition created by supply and demand. If the medical system is left to the hands of responsible doctors, people of every economic strata, and as few bureaucrats as possible, opportunity wil let the best medical care in the world flourish as we know it can.
“5: Our veterans have earned our respect and gratitude, and no veteran should have
to wait in line for months or years just to see a doctor.”
This goes without saying much. Why should soldiers returning from war have to fill out reams of paperwork just to be eligible for psychological treatment, ongoing restoration of their physical bodies, or their rehabilitation that could lead to gainful employment? Our troops deserve to be treated with honor after fighting on behalf of our country, no matter what the circumstances they faced abroad.
“6: Keeping America safe and strong requires a strong military, growing the economy,
energy independence, and secure borders.”
And this requires calling a spaid a spaid. When our administration deems a conflict important enough for our involvement, serving our national interests, the American people deserve to know America will go all out for victory. Terrorism is still terrorism, not just workplace violence. Illegal means illegal when immigrants haven’t taken the proper steps to come across our borders to stay. Sex trafficking still violates the lives of thousands—both men and women—who get exchanged for drug momney or pimps get rich off the various schemes driven by prostitution.
No, we aren’t technically in the Cold War of the 1950s-1980s. Yet, Russia and China still raise their militaristic heads hoping to conquer lands worldwide. Radical Islamists really do mean harm to us, whom they call the white Satan and infidels. What happened to the days when we considered democracy and free enterprise to be the best solutions for everyone? What happened to our considering life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights for all—from womb to tomb? With a conservative legislature and executive branch of government, they can still lie ahead of us.
“7: Every child should have an equal opportunity to get a great education; no parent
should be forced to send their child to a failing school.”
Great! Then, close the Department of Education and let States handle their own standards for academic performance. Maybe, Arne Duncan can return to the classroom instead of leading our nation’s kids from behind. Open school choice to every district nationwide so that parents can determine which schools their children attend. That, more than anything, will encourage failing schools to become better equipped financially, technologically, and structurally. Common Core’s best place is in File 13, replaced by programs appropriate for students, teaching American exceptionalism instead of the defeatist propaganda which our administration has desired to import from the United Nations.
“8: The best anti-poverty program is a strong family and a good job, so our focus
should be on getting people out of poverty by lifting up all people and helping them
find work.”
In other words, reduce business taxes so that companies can hire Americans. If some want to outsource, give the outsourced workers incentive to prosper, advance and earn based on their merit, not by minimum wage government fiat. Rather than having the goal of remaining in a call ceneter for life or at a restaurant’s check-out window, employees will see such beneficial services as starting points, not ends to themselves.
“9: Our country should value the traditions of family, life, religious liberty, and
hard work.”
At first glance, I’d say: See above. It goes without saying that religious liberty means freedom of the establishment and free exercise of religion with as little government intrusion as possible. As is, the Christian religion receives the brunt of educational, political and popular disdain. In the name of recognizing some lesser known or previously misunderstood religions, lawmakers and social engineers have done everything possible to portray Christianity as the oppressor, the bully. Instead of recognizing the entirety of Muslim teachings, politicians have resorted to pacifying them in the public square in the name of tolerance. All the while, radical Islamists manipulate officials, slaughter freedom-loving reporters and dignitaries.
fAce it, folks…Religious, verbal and spoken liberty will breed a harder working American public who takes pride in American ideals again instead of apologizing for them.
“10: We should make America energy independent by encouraging investment in domestic
energy, lowering prices, and creating jobs at home.”
Imagine every State being as prosperous and job friendly as North Dakota and Texas. Were we to permit the full construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and allow for expanded drilling off our country’s shores, we would reduce our dependence on nations who despise us. Taking an all-of-the-above approach to energy generation will, in turn, provide for a least-cost alternative to demanding fruitless mandates for going green. Using fossil fuels and opening up Federally controlled lands will give entrepreneurs the freedom to use the natural resources available. Imagine our gas prices…They’ll decrease instead of rise. The unemployment rate will truly go down as will the percentage of people dropping from the workforce. Technology will enable people with various handicaps to work in an ever-expanding array of occupations.
“11: We need an immigration system that secures our borders, upholds the law, and
boosts our economy.”
As stated earlier, if someone enters the United States to stay through improper channels, they are illegally hear. If their visa runs out, they do well to renew it. We welcome legal immigrants coming to the best nation on earth. If here legally, immigrants of every race, gender, ethnic background and ability can find the happiness and dreams fulfilled.
Chairman Reince Priebus concludes: “Of course, these principles are not everything, and other Republican leaders have
put forward their positive agendas. The important part is that we want Americans
to have a clearer understanding of exactly what Republicans stand for—and how Republicans
will be fighting for them if they elect our party into office.”
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